Roadmap To Python Developer !

Ansh Sharma
1 min readJul 20, 2022

So, Hello Readers, if you want to become python developer then this is going to be grateful for you.

  1. So The first step is to Learn the Programming language on the beginner level, because you can’t be a professional in a single day or a month. To Learn a programming language, It takes a lot of Hard work and Time(
    The more you get, Better).
  2. Schedule your timing of course according to your lifestyle.
  3. Watch Minimum 1 hour videos per day(Minimum 2–3 Videos), and practice double(Learn, Code, Fix).
  4. Implement It by doing projects on the basis of your learning.
  5. The last point is, If you want to do any specialization in any module/sector in PYTHON then start learning the basics concepts of that particular sector from today(Just Like: AI, ML, Data Science etc.)

NOTE: Never choose a lot of languages, pick one-and be master in it.



Ansh Sharma

A student, who is Tech Enthusiast, and wants to build a Community to explore new ways to gain knowledge and experience.